How does Freedom pay for Plasma Donations?

General information

1430 E. Southlake Blvd, Suite 200, Southlake, Texas 76092, United States

Brief Description

At Freedom Plasma, service members, veterans, and first responders earn a bonus after each life-saving plasma donation. For every successful referral, donors earn $50. Freedom Plasma's friendly team will provide more details about the Hero Bonus.

Things to know about Freedom Donation Compensation

Freedom Plasma

Freedom Plasma is owned and operated by Immunotek Bio Centers.

General Strategy:

  • New donors have 45 days to complete eight successful donations to receive their bonus, compared to the standard 30 days at other plasma centers.
  • Return donors are paid based on their weight.
  • Referrals can also increase earnings for returning donors.

Donor Tiers and Pay:

New Donors: First-time donor bonuses can reach $800 when donating eight times in 45 days. During special monthly promotions, new donors can earn as much as $920.

Returning Donors: The first donation you make in a week will be lower than the second donation within the same week. For example, one donor shared that they receive $45 after their first donation in a week and $100 after their second donation within the same week. It’s safe to assume that on the low end, you can get paid about $90 a week, or $40 for the first donation and $50 for the second donation.


  • New Donor Bonus: New donors can earn as much as $920 during special monthly promotions. New donors can also take advantage of bonuses during their first month as a donor where a bonus may earn you an additional $50 on your fifth donation in a 45-day period.
  • Referral Bonus: Freedom Plasma pays $100 per referred person, with no limit to how many donors you can refer.
  • Veterans and first responders receive an additional $10 bonus for every plasma donation made.

Specific Programs:

Freedom Plasma does not offer a loyalty or rewards program to their returning donors.

Freedom Competitors